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And to live for God, with God, and to God.

 And to live for God, with God, and to God.
Categories: Great quotes

You live in God

And if you live for God, with God, and for God... then you live in God... meaning that you live under His care... under His protection... under His guardianship... He hears your soul’s thoughts and takes away your worries, so your worry turns into nothing. .. as if it had not happened... and the complete darkness is transformed into light, comfort and calm... as if it had not happened... and loneliness is transformed into a company full of joy and life... as if it had never existed... so the heart rejoices intensely with this light, this comfort, and this life, and it beats with a pulse. Different in a different rhythm... He is cleared, purified and elevated to deserve a look... and he waits for it... for God Almighty looked at this heart with one satisfied look... yes, one look... and emptied it of all the toxins that were spreading in the arteries and pouring into all the organs of the body, exhausting it, bleeding it and destroying it. ... One look of satisfaction from God, and the heart revives after death and life comes into it... and without the owner of the heart realizing it, or while he is feeling, or even before he feels, all his limbs will find themselves working, even if they are afflicted with a physical disease, or exhausted by physical fatigue, or exhausted by sins and transgressions.. His eyes, which had been afflicted by ophthalmia, began to see clearly the verses of God in the Noble Book and the great universe, and his heavy tongue began to remember God, and was creative in remembrance, and creative in supplication. It was a tongue that did not know how to make even a simple it became a skillful, strong tongue that praised its Creator, remembered Him, thanked Him, and humbled Him. Just from this point of view.... It is not imaginable that what we mean by loving obedience and preoccupation with remembrance, supplication, prayer and fasting is that you live in isolation with your door closed. no ! Worship is a comprehensive name for everything that God loves and is pleased with. But also, the relationship with humans contains many problems and impurities that hinder this purity, so you must look for good company, as in the hadith of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, in the narration of Abu Dawud that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: (“ A man follows the religion of his friend, so let each one of you look to whom he deems different.” And the hadith (Indeed, the example of a good companion and a bad companion is like a carrier of musk and one who blows bellows. So the carrier of musk will either give you a shoe or Either you buy from it or you smell a good smell from it, and the one who blows the furnace will either burn your clothes or you will smell an evil smell. ) Agreed upon. This hadith sums up the human relationship par excellence, because if you live with those who are preoccupied with God, you will be happy and happy and they will help you. If you are lazy, you advise them one time and they advise you another time, you help them one time and they help you another time... so your faith in seeing them increases until... As for those who are preoccupied with the world and do not care about levels of worship and faith, this will happen quickly. There is apathy and fatigue in your heart while you are with them... because the vocabulary that we mentioned, such as remembrance, night prayers, voluntary fasting, and preserving one’s sight and chastity, are all vocabulary that does not concern them in anything, and they are in another valley. They may do these actions from time to time and on special occasions, but their miserable lives are completely different. They want to spend their day in peace. Life, between a song, a movie, going out, laughter, food somewhere, amusement, negligence, and getting anything in return, and they think that this is happiness, and they lived their lives that way. Your presence with them makes it possible for you to advise them once, twice, or even seventy times, and then what? Then they will get bored of you, avoid you, and block their ears and eyes after Satan has blocked the outlets to their hearts. And you are between three things with these poor, unaware people. The first: Either you are the reason for their guidance and happiness, so life becomes more sweet by obeying God Almighty, and you share with each other the beauty of purity and cleanliness, so you recite the morning remembrances on the shores of the sea together, once for you and once for them, and you line up your blessed feet in the stillness of the night, and you rise in the dawn. You cry together to your Lord, and tears fall, and with them estrangement and distance, and when the evening comes and at the meal banquet after fasting a beautiful day together, the drink and the bite will have another taste. If you ask my friends about the most beautiful moments you have ever lived, they will tell you when we went out to distant faith camps for seven or even three days. We were together with fifty or even a hundred young men who had one concern and did one job, which was busy obeying God throughout the day. By God, I remember you, oh Engineer (Saeed Saad), while we were on the beach of the worlds, I was twenty years old, and for the first time we recited the evening supplications together, and you are the father and the caring father, do you know that after all these years, after time has written lines on your face and mine, I only remember you by your image that day, with your bright, bright face and the afternoon sun caressing? Your forehead and the remembrance of God are scattered pearls on your tongue.. Peace be upon you on the other side of the sea. I am waiting for you to intercede for me with this love on the Day of Resurrection. The happiest moment in my life is when I remember you, O (Khaled Muhammad), in the section on poetry, and your voice is the voice of Al-Husri, O our God, I did not like the prayer to end, not only for your beautiful, amazing voice, but also for the companionship and gathering, and everyone cries, and everyone seeks God’s satisfaction, and everyone prays, and everyone looks at his brother and smiles with tenderness, love, and gratitude. Peace be upon you on the other side of the sea. I am waiting for you to intercede for me with this love on the Day of Resurrection... The second thing is to surrender to this abnormal company. The friend will love... Yes, it is very tiring to be with work colleagues, for example, for 8 hours, and there is a mixing of women and men, insults, and religious insults, and some of them drink drugs, and scratchy words, and wandering eyes, and sick hearts and suspicious souls, and some of them plot against you behind your back and hinder your work. What do you do in this atmosphere? It is a confusing thing if you are alone. You are in great trouble and life is like a nightmare. If you surrender once, your conscience will trouble you many times and you will not enjoy this state of heedlessness because at the end of the night there is a afflicted soul that wants to enjoy servitude to God.. and it will worry you about your life.. it will judge you, argue with you, and disturb you at night. But if you oppose them and continue your stance and do not descend to their level, they will accuse you of a thousand thousand accusations, as it was said, expel the family of Lot from your village. They are people who purify themselves. The third thing is that you leave them and leave, and you must leave. Indeed, there are many men and women who left their work because it was not a good environment, so after them they avoided working in the workplace. Usurious and suspicious institutions, or for narrow-mindedness, etc., you must leave because God has given you one beautiful soul. You must avoid what harms it. You will only live life once. Live it right. If mistakes occur, quickly repent and stay away from those who drag you into the abyss and commit the mistake of their lives. It is a mistake. Life is not about a friend who left you or you left because one of you did not agree with the other, or a company that you lost and failed to manage...or even a wife whom you married and then there was incompatibility between you and you left... Rather, the mistake of life is to move away from obedience and love of God...and slip into fatal mistakes... Your eyelids flutter.. The mistake of a lifetime is to commit the crime of adultery, for example, even once, and it is an animalistic, heinous act that drops you from the rank of a human being to the rank of a disgusting, stinking pig, even if you purify yourself, so what about those who repeat it every time under a thousand excuses and reasons.. The mistake of a lifetime is to commit the crime of usury and The union of God, His Messenger, and one dirham of usury is a terrible punishment that the heart cannot bear. It is a war from God against you, according to the text of the verse. So you find that in the most beautiful moments of your life, you are in trouble. By God.. I was a guest with one of the palace owners outside Cairo, and he gave me a suite in his spacious palace. I slept one night in the morning. The family is supposed to wait for breakfast together. Fierce battles were over the most trivial reasons, and the meeting turns into worry, distress, quarrels, and loud voices, even though the means of material life are available. We have seen entire families to whom no holiday or occasion of happiness comes, except that they are in problems, quarrels, and separation. How can it not? The smallest punishment on the Day of Resurrection is for a dirham. Usury is like someone who commits adultery with his mother in the court of the Kaaba. Purify yourself, you disgusting person, from this shame and do not beautify yourself and do not look for trivial excuses or hypocritical fatwas. That you are needy and forced. The mistake of a lifetime is disobeying parents... one or both of them under any reason or pretext... O woe to those who disobey them with a curse word, let alone those who quarrel, insult, and insult the debt to their mother or father, then they beautify themselves and write on their pages on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, with their pictures taken.. ( In my eyes, he is the most beautiful father. In my eyes, she is the most beautiful mother.) What a shame and shame. I do not know how you tolerate yourselves and how life makes life pleasant for you... Damn you... Hurry and repent, my dear brother, perhaps God will have mercy on you. The mistake of a lifetime is the one who drinks drugs and alcohol under the pretext that he is experimenting, forced, or participating in a celebration or occasion, or the sheikh issued a fatwa that hashish is pure and for a thousand thousand trivial reasons.... I am amazed at those who commit these and other major sins and life continues with them. It is normal and they rejoice and laugh. It is normal and even worse. Those who do that and then brag and claim virtue... I remember when I was in the second year of middle school, my English teacher (Mr. Shahat Al-Ghubari), who was a direct reason for my life changing, gave me the book The Great Sins by Imam Al-Dhahabi, and since that day I have not given up this book and I advise it to all young people coming into life. Leave as long as you have reason and ask for guidance and sincere repentance for them. There is hope that everyone who is good will return to God. Written by Ali Al-Sayyar
Categories: Great quotes
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